
NEW UPDATED BIO: (as of 9/20/2024) 

dm me if you wanna chat, I usually answer

So ig I should actually right some fun facts about me... So here's 10 1) I'm in foster care bc my bio parents were real abusive 2) I am a master at the art of the blade 3) Pokemon will forever be my favorite video game series (so far the galar region is best 4) favorite book series is tied between the sword of truth series or the inheritance cycle 5) preferred music is rock of all kinds and I even like a few songs mixing rock and rap! 6) I will always care for those who seek healing 7) talk sh*t about me or someone u care about and best believe ur going home in ur moms car with a broken wrist and/or rib(s) I've dealt with too much abuse to care what u say, but others do, so best believe ur going to need the strength to back up ur words 8) trying to become a therapist and an IT coder 9) I'm poetic but can't seem to write a story beyond a poem 10) everyone who visits this, page I ran outta ideas but I hope u give some thought everyday to better urself for the next, that is how we all start to care for one another, by caring and bettering ourselves first