Всем привет, Друзья!! Я - международный Гроссмейстер Сергей Жигалко. Профессиональный Тренер, Шахматный Стример. 🏆Чемпион Европы...
I'm a chess player, coach, and student; I love the game and want to improve along with others! If you are interested in coaching,...
Book individual or group lessons: https://calendar.app.google/5LapxWELiYzFmDLX9 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chessquest777/ Facebook:...
I am the President of the Oregon Chess Federation. Check out our website.
First of all, be aware that EVERY top player will lose to my Bd2 Najdorf one day. Hey everyone ! I'm Joseph Girel, 19 yoGrandmaster.I'm...
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