Elo Give Away Club

11 Medlemmer
11. okt. 2024
0 arrangementer spilt

Anyone who wants elo and is lower than my elo or other admin's elo can get elo. I am rarely active by the way, so if I or other admins happen to be online you can get free elos from me or other admins. If you would like to also give away elos I will add you as admin. Every admin has to obey the giving elo rule or else they will be kicked! Fun Fact: The picture is a depiction of this club. We might do a ultimate rated rapid arena when this club reaches 30 or more members, not including the admins or super admins. Admins and super admins in the arena will only click resign button to give elo to members, but if it is admins vs admins or members vs members, then we play it out and see who wins.

New Rules: You have to be one of the admin's friends in order to join this club
